Our range of services for your health

General Services


Is there anything as wonderful as bringing a new life to the world? Pregnancy nonetheless comes with plenty of questions. We are happy to answer them based on our many years of experience, so you can feel the comfort and security you need to enjoy your pregnancy. Our goal is to make this time as unique and carefree as possible.

We provide you with complete care before, during, and after your pregnancy, in cooperation with specialized practices and clinics if needed:

  • Best possible preparation for pregnancy
  • Prenatal care, including high-risk pregnancies
  • Invasive and non-invasive prenatal examinations (First Trimester Screening/Aneuploidy Screening, DNA-based blood screening test, Genetic Ultrasound, Flowmetry (called Doppler), Amniocentesis)
  • Infection screenings (Cytomegalovirus, Toxoplasmosis, Beta-Streptococcus etc.)

We are looking forward to helping you throughout this exciting journey.

Annual exams

The goal of the annual exam is to detect cancer or its precursors as early as possible in order to provide them with the most effective treatment. An annual exam is recommended for every women starting at age 20.

  • Cervical cancer screening
    (PAP and bimanual test)
  • Breast exam
  • Fecal occult blood test

Extended cancer care: medically recommended supplementary services!

  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Breast ultrasound
  • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) testing
  • Test for occult blood in the stool with the immunological stool test
  • ThinPrep test
  • Bladder exam

Oncology aftercare

The purpose of aftercare – the medical support provided after a treatment – is to provide long-term, comprehensive support and assistance.

The aim of oncology aftercare include

  • Detecting any relapse or further tumors as early as possible
  • Any possible side effects of the therapy are monitored and treated
  • Helping with any physical, mental or social problems. This may also involve treating the effects of the disease or therapy, as well as rehabilitation to help you get back on your feet and home with your family as soon as possible.

Duration of aftercare

Aftercare should never be time-limited. Even 20 years after treatment, women who have had breast cancer still have a higher risk for breast cancer. Awareness and active participation in early detection measures, such as self-examination, play an important role for breast cancer survivors. Any changes, including those to scars, should be reported to the physician.

Girls' consultation

Advice on periods, contraception, vaccinations and intimate hygiene. On the first visit, usually without an examination, unless requested or in the event of complaints.

From around 14-15 years old you are allowed to come alone. But if you would like to take a parent or friend with you, you are welcome to do that too.

Please bring your vaccination certificate with you.

Infertility evaluation and treatment

Pre-conception counseling

It is important to have a consultation before becoming pregnant. We can help you ensure that your pregnancy gets off to the best possible start.

  • Nutritional advice, blood work, and testing for vitamin and nutrients levels
  • Vaccinations, including any you have missed
  • Menstral cycle monitoring, inlcuding vaginal ultrasounds
  • Pap Smear test for Chlamydia and other STD´s

If you are having difficulty getting pregnant, you are not alone. Approximately 10-15 percent of couples suffer from infertility from a variety of conditions.

The first step is to identify the causes of infertility. The diagnostic evaluation includes:

  • Hormone analysis
  • Assessment of ovarian reserve (Anti-Müller-Hormone)
  • Ultrasound scan of pelvic organs
  • Blood test for infection testing
  • Spermogram (semen analysis)
  • Laparoscopy to check for defects of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes

After diagnostic evaluation and counseling, we guide you through the fertility process and help you determine the best treatment options, in cooperation with infertility centres in Regensburg. Treatment steps may include:

  • Menstral period monitoring
  • Ovulation induction
  • Insemination
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Referral to genetic counseling if appropriate

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

Sexually transmitted diseases are still among the common causes of inflammation in the genital tract, and some of them can also cause infertility.

What symptoms are typical for sexually transmitted diseases?

  • Inflammation of the urethra (often associated with purulent discharge)
  • Skin changes in the genital area
  • itching
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Fever (rare)

However, the diseases can also occur without any specific symptoms and are therefore only detected through targeted blood tests.

Which diagnostic options exist?

If you have the above-mentioned symptoms or if you suspect that you may have an STD (e.g. unprotected sexual intercourse/unknown infection status of your sexual partner, etc.), you should get tested.

For a complete diagnosis, a blood sample and a vaginal/urethral swab are taken. The test uses PCR (genetic diagnostics) to provide a quick and reliable result, usually after just one day.

Which pathogens are tested?

  • Candida species
  • Chlamydia trachomatis
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • Mycoplasma genitalium and hominis
  • Ureaplasma urealyticum and parvum
  • Trichomonas vaginalis
  • Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2
  • Gardnerella vaginalis
  • Atopobium vaginae
  • Syphilis
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B

The test can be performed on both women and men.

If you are interested, please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with more information.

Menopausal care

Most women experience the beginning of hormonal changes between 45 and 55 years. The ovarian production of female hormons is getting slower. Menopause brings the end of the menstrual cycle and reproductive years, but also major changes for the body. Hot flashes, perspiration, recurring rapid heartbeat, sleeping problems, irritability, depression, joint and back pain, vaginal dryness and incontinence are the most common symptoms. At this age, most women are still highly active and challenged, both professionally and privately.

Your personal well-being and the maintenance of your quality of life are important to us. We are happy to prepare a personal health plan for your optimal care and active prevention.

  • Hormone analysis
  • Bone Density Screening and Prevention of Osteoporosis
  • Extended gynacologycal care (tranvaginal and breast ultrasound scan)
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Prevention medicine

Birth control

Today there are more options than ever to enable you to take control of your life. Each type of birth control offers different types of advantages and disadvantages.

Contraception is a very personal decision You might need birth control for the very first time, you might look for a suitable option for the lactation period or you would like to just try another contraceptive. We will help you choose the form of birth control that works best for your needs and offers the most comfortable and most convenient solution based on your lifestyle, your sexual activity and your own personal preferences.

Taking your personal and family health history and a proper examination is very important before discussing your contraception needs.

We offer you the following birth control methods:

  • Oral contraceptive pills
  • Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
  • Contraceptive vaginal ring, contraceptive patch
  • Birth control implant
  • Birth control shot
  • IUD (copper)
  • Hormonal IUD
  • Diaphragm
  • Natural family planning (Fertility Awareness-Based Methods)


  • HPV-Vaccination

Lab services

We offer you the following laboratory tests:

  • Pregnancy test
  • Test for HIV
  • Test for Hepatitis
  • Test for Chlamydia
  • Urin test (bacteria, blood, proteins, sugar)
  • Hormone analysis (clarify whether you still can get pregnant, whether a hormone therapy is advisable, whether skin or hair problems are hormone-dependent.)

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