Breast Consultation DEGUM II

What is a breast consultation?

The senology deals with the clarification and treatment of diseases of the breast.

Pain or nodes in breast lead to concern and anxiety. Using high-resolution breast ultrasound, both breasts and the lymph nodes can be examined without pain and radiation.

Dr. Jánky has long years of senological experience. She has been treating breast-cancer patients for many years at the Breast Center in Amberg. She also holds the DEGUM II qualification for breast ultrasound (mammasonography) and participates in regular training and congresses.


  • Breast ultrasound in women without symptoms as extended cancer care
  • Clear up suspect palpation findings or pain in the breast
  • Biopsy of breast or lymph node tissue (core biopsy, fine needle aspiration)
  • Genetic counseling
  • Breast cancer aftercare
  • Intensive breast cancer screening in women with high frequency of breast cancer in the family

Invasive procedures / Biopsy

Core biopsy, fine needle aspiration

In the case of unclear findings, which are noticed during the examination, ultrasound scan or mammography, we can usually immediately take a tissue sample in local anesthesia under ultrasound control with a thin needle, which can be studied in the lab to see if cancer cells are present. The biopsy takes about 5-10 minutes and then you can follow your everyday activities without restriction.


Usually it takes 1-2 days to get the result of the biopsy, so you get a diagnosis in a very short time. Fortunately most biopsy result are not a cancer. But sometimes you may need another biopsy or a surgery to get a definitive diagnosis.

The care of our patients with breast cancer is based on national and international guidelines in cooperation with certified breast care centers.

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